Monday, September 12, 2016

Special St. Francis Day Box for Your Ministry or Congregation

You can still order your kits at

St. Francis Day in a Box!

Continue in the footsteps of St. Francis of Assisi and deepen your celebrations with our multimedia kit
Explore animal protection issues in your faith community during the season of St. Francis and beyond with our free St. Francis Day in a Box! Start a pet food collection, small group discussion, or plan a film event. The “box” is designed to inspire ideas for animal protection projects that you can do year-round.
Your 2016 "box" includes:
  • Animals in the Kingdom: Enjoy a discount on the curriculum for the 8-week video series, which brings faith and science together to explore animal issues.
  • The HSUS Fill the Bowl Project, pet food collection promotion kit
  • Eating Mercifully, documentary on DVD by The HSUS. Dive into the ethical considerations of factory-farming issues in this compelling short film.
  • Vegangelical: A discount coupon on “Vegangelical: How caring for animals can shape your faith,” by Sarah Withrow King, from Zondervan.
  • Way of Love: A discount coupon on “Way of Love: Recovering the Heart of Christianity,” by Dr. Norman Wirzba, from HarperCollins.
  • Tofurky: Try recipes with products from Tofurky! Get started with a coupon and whip up a masterpiece for your next church potluck!
  • Kind News reveals the beauty and wonder of the animals who share our world while also exploring the challenges they face. This 8-page magazine, published bimonthly during the school year, encourages kids to coexist humanely with animals, celebrate the human-animal bond, and become active in efforts to protect animals.

When you order, you’ll also receive a list of more online ideas, including links for animal protection ministry projects to keep you going long after St. Francis Day!
Order your free kit today!