My name is Lollipop, but people call me Lolli. I’m a black
and brown Toyger cat, wearing a leopard body.
Life for me began in a midwestern town. I lived my first
years there in a no-kill animal shelter. I’m glad the shelter
cared about me and other animals, keeping me alive, well fed,
and loved.
Constant hope flowed inside me. I knew
someday something great would happen!
One day, the shelter manager placed me into a pet travel
A few other furry friends came along, too. I couldn’t
tell where we headed, but I felt peaceful—everything would
turn out remarkably.
Along the way, I heard someone say, “We’re moving to
a pet store in the city.”
I thought, that sounded terrific!
Some of the scaredy cats scratched and clawed at the
doors of their cages. A few hissed and meowed in loud
commotion. I didn’t want to cause any grief, so I kept quiet,
trusting in my Heavenly Father.
We arrived shortly thereafter. The shelter manager conveyed
her love for us, and a desire for all of us to be adopted.
Next, they put us in a storefront together; however, in separate
My dwelling included a bright green rug, a generous
food dish, and a water bowl. Two pleasant ladies and a gentle
guy took care of me. They retrieved us at night to play
with, and pet, us. I seemed to get extra attention because I
kept things uncomplicated and peaceful.
Days went by, even weeks. I couldn’t tell how long I
had been there. Although countless people viewed me and
tapped on the front glass, no one adopted me. I still had this
confident belief inside me God would find a way.
One day around Christmas time, a family arrived that
had two adopted children. I immediately felt drawn to the
daughter. They kept calling her Mei Mei. She stood at my
area for an extensive period. She looked at me constantly:
talking, reassuring, and providing smiles. I wanted so badly
to leave with her right then. Yet, I knew I must keep calm.
Finally, Mei Mei resolved to ask her parents about
adoption. I heard her tell them, “Lolli is all I ever want for
Christmas!” See more about Lolli's story at
Lolli's video.